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23.11.2005 00:17
Nr. 13
Great page. Just wanted to let you knwo that "Nothing Compares to U" is actually a Prince song. Sinead O'Conner covers it.
T. Annis
26.10.2005 10:34
Nr. 12
Michael, Awesome brother! Keep 'em coming. My Friend & I tried to add a tune; we finally found the ASIN thing. Yeah, it was right where you said it was.
By the way, it's interesting how popular that Kinks tune is, you really ruffled some feathers there. I think it's one of those songs that really had an impact culturally in Britian & America. And you can't improve on that. Maybe in other countries not as much...just a guess.
Jonas Lindblad
20.10.2005 08:54
Nr. 11
Nice page! Good idea!
How do I get the code, that is necessary if I want to add new songs?

The 4 digits next to the field are the code. If you have any problems with it, please write them down here, so I can try to solve them.
22.09.2005 20:44
Nr. 10
Well, if you like covers take a look at my sites :

Joe Dirt
23.08.2005 11:28
Nr. 9
The nirvana version of "the man who sold the world" (on the MTV unplugged album) and David Bowies original version would be interesting, or perhaps California Girls- The Beach Boys and David Lee Roth,
or Voodoo Child (slight return)- Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan (who some say is the only person to play a Hendrix song better than him)
23.08.2005 11:06
Nr. 8
Hows about a contest between The Clash's I Fought the law ( and the law won), and Bobby Fullers (original) version
20.08.2005 07:33
Nr. 7
How about a vote of the Beatles' "Got To Get You Into My Life " vs. Earth Wind & Fire's version, knowing that EWF transformed the song into the soul classic composer Paul McCartney had originally envisaged.
Rob K
06.08.2005 13:51
Nr. 6
NAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! When Dave the Diamonds was gone is best abysmal to the max..the shit stole his looks from JIM DANDY FROM BLACK OAK ARKANSAS the screams from PHIL MAY of the Pretty whats left...Amusing to see him sing the NAtional Anthem with the BOSTON POPS last year what garbage talent too bad. VAN HAGARD gets a ZERO and thats still WAY TOO MUCH OF A 'GOOD' RATIN for them. the Alexander and EDWARDO need to go back to AMSTERDAM!
29.07.2005 17:58
Nr. 5
dude you think that van halens dorky ass cover is better than the kinks? and you just recently found out that it was a cover? do you live in a hole? you music knowledge does not qualify you to run a music website unless its about crap music like the capt and tenille who you are proly a big closet fan of. ok im just being a jerk. take it easy and have a good day, its otherwise a cool sight and i was just giving you a hard time.

Okay, you are right. I will work harder on my music knowledge.
Morris Lan
29.07.2005 02:36
Nr. 4
In general, the original songs are better than the covers. I've listen to many good covers of You Really got me and many that are awfully bad. I think You really got me is one of these special songs that no cover by any artist will get closer enough to be compared to the original.

Morris Lan

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