Stairway to Heaven
Another ballsy, unorthodox cover of one of rock's most treasured songs. Call me crazy, but I prefer Dolly's version. Maybe it's just because I'm a fan, or maybe because I'm tired of hearing the original played to death, but Dolly truly makes it her own. A sign of a successful cover.
- Matt, New York, United States, 28.10.2005
Dolly Parton 2002 |
vs. |
Led Zeppelin 1971 |
Click on the cover for listening |
Click on the cover for listening |
Comments about Stairway to Heaven:
- this, is funny , United States, 09.08.2010 |
Apples, oranges...melons...it's all good
- Steve , Montreal, Canada, 20.05.2010 |
You people are all over your heads with opinion. Both versions are great, but despite my distaste for the similar votes, I am going to stick with the original. It's easier to listen to all in all.
- guitar lover, anti-country, United States, 04.05.2010 |
Dolly IS and will ALWAYS be the GREATEST! Hers is the best! No doubt about it!!
- Dollyfanforlifesoshutup!, Land of Dolly Lovers, United States, 21.03.2010 |
it sounds like she raped the song!!!
and what was that dollar bit all about? The whole point of the song is ambiguity: one interprets it as one feels. I can't believe she actually had the guts to do it...
- Confounded, Florence, Italy, 10.03.2010 |
You know, the reason some covers a song is to reinterpret it, unless they are lazy and just want to do it like it's already been done. Luckily, Dolly Parton is musical genius (Led Zeppelin was an amazing band, but let's face it, Dolly Parton has written and published over 3000 songs, so one would have to say she is a little more versed in the composing department than Ol' Led.) But to hear a song that everyone has heard a million times and to be as gutsy as her to reinvent it this way- well, it's just amazing and creative and really a success as far as remakes go. AND- members of Led Zeppelin have publicly stated that THEY are huge fans of Dolly's version. So- bravo Dolly!
- Ken , New York City, United States, 14.01.2009 |
Christ! Even the Rolf Harris cover is better then the Dolly travesty. Where's the chunder smilie when you need one? I feel ill after hearing that.
- Matt, London, England, 09.10.2008 |
Slade Yuille, Melbourne, Australia you dumb fuck and anyone else that thinks this is a good cover what the fuck how do you cover the best song in the history of music and then change the fucking words. dolly parton you small big boob bitch wtf you asswipe dont fucking cover zeppelin. btw slade you dipshit its spelled Led Zeppelin you cock sucking dick munch. In addition to the fucked up lyrics the shitty banjo cannot replace an epic guitar solo. Also, it is unnecessary to repeat the words STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN 38 FUCKING TIMES!!! Overall the Dolly version is a shitty banjo cluster fuck. FUCK YOU FUCKING COUNTRY DOLLY PARTON FUCK FACES!!!!!!!!!!!
- Blake and Cody, Omemee, Canada, 02.08.2008 |
Slade Yuille, Melbourne, Australia you dumb fuck and anyone else that thinks this is a good cover what the fuck how do you cover the best song in the history of music and then change the fucking words. dolly parton you small big boob bitch wtf you asswipe dont fucking cover zeppelin. btw slade you dipshit its spelled Led Zeppelin you cock sucking dick munch. In addition to the fucked up lyrics the shitty banjo cannot replace an epic guitar solo. Also, it is unnecessary to repeat the words STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN 38 FUCKING TIMES!!! Overall the Dolly version is a shitty banjo cluster fuck. FUCK YOU FUCKING COUNTRY DOLLY PARTON FUCK FACES!!!!!!!!!!!
- Blake and Cody, Omemee, Canada, 02.08.2008 |
Comparing Dolly to Zeppelin is like comparing Platinum to dirt. Especially when it comes to one of the biggest song in history.
- Lash, ??????, United States, 18.07.2008 |