Cover vs. Original

If Not For You

This is the one case that I know of where the cover of a Bob Dylan song adds uncompromisingly to the original. That is to say, George Harrison provides a really tasty All-Things-Must-Pass instrumental arrangement while preserving every bit of the original Dylan soul. Of course maybe that is not so difficult, since the "soul" of the original is pretty nonchalant and lightweight - nothing like the power of other famously covered Dylan songs. Still, Harrison's sound and voice fit If Not For You perfectly, and his rendition never leaves one thinking "Aw, I should go back and get in touch with the original." It's just that satisfying.

- Billy Cheek, Naples, United States, 18.03.2006

George Harrison


Bob Dylan

CD-Cover: George Harrison - All Things Must Pass 63 % 37 % CD-Cover: Bob Dylan - New Morning
Results of the voting: Cover versus Original
Click on the cover for listening Click on the cover for listening
George Harrison 570 Votes Bob Dylan

Comments about If Not For You:

Would vote for the unreleased (at the time) duet version found on the '91 dylan bootleg box. Beats both, and predates both official recordings.
- Karl, DeKalb, Illinois, United States, 09.07.2007
Yeah, Lu. Too bad The Village People didn't give this tune a shot. They would have REALLY won you over.

RIP, George!
- Micco, Dallas, United States, 07.07.2007
Frankly, I prefer Olivia Newton-John's version.
- Lu, Philly, United States, 22.03.2007
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